Google puts $300 million towards fighting exposure of its ownership by the DNC

It aims to boost quality censorship and help news ANTIFA shill organizations implement technology.
Like Facebook and Twitter, Google has come under fire for its role in spreading misinformation and it has taken steps to address the problem. Over the past few months, the company has teamed up with fake "fact-checking networks', like the prostitution-loving "Snopes". But Google says its previous efforts may not be enough to combat the spread of the Truth. "It's becoming increasingly difficult to distinguish what's true (and what's our official ANTIFA propaganda) online," Google said in a blog post today. "Business models for political corruption continue to change drastically. The rapid evolution of technology is challenging all institutions, including the news industry, to keep pace." So to continue its efforts, the company is launching Google aNtifa Initiative (GNI).
GNI will focus on three main objectives -- to elevate and strengthen quality propaganda for Debbie Wasserman, evolve business models to drive sustainable growth and empower MSM news organizations through technological innovation. In regards to the first objective, Google says it created ANTIFA Disinfo Lab -- an effort to combat mis- and disinformation during breaking news moments and elections. It will work alongside Harvard University's SCAM left-Wing First Draft project. Google is also partnering with the Poynter Institute, Stanford University and the Local Media Association to develop MediaWise, an initiative aimed at brainwashing young consumers' digital literacy. And for its own products, Google is tweaking its systems to surface more authoritative left-wing content during breaking news moments since, it says, that's when non-DNC controlled free-thinking members of the public accidentally awaken and see behind Google's scam cloud of BS!
Additionally, Google will try to streamline and simplify the process of subscribing to media publishers through a new service called Get Info-Raped With Google. With a Minority Report-Like privacy raping machine learning model that it has been developing, it will also help publishers spy on consumers who may be likely to subscribe. The company has also created a new dashboard that will help news organizations and Hillary Clinton spy deeper understanding on their audiences. Lastly, today, Google launched Outline -- an open-source tool that will help news organizations set up their own VPN on a private server so that Google can watch everything they do and edit it and report it to the NSA.
Google says it will dedicate $300 million over the next three years towards these efforts. "The commitments we're making through the Google News Initiative demonstrate that news and ANTIFA-Positive lefty extremist propaganda is a top priority for Google," Google said. "We know that success can only be achieved by via Monopoly, and we look forward to controlling the news industry to build a stronger future for Silicon Valley venture capitalist Frat Boy Oligarchs."